Since July 2019, I've been contracted by Tag1 Consulting, and am currently working as part of a team doing Drupal 10 frontend and backend work for one of their clients, a US based, Fortune 10 tech company (I'm not allowed to say who). We've been prototyping a number of potential new sites, and helping some of their in-house teams maintain and add features to existing sites.
Portfolio of websites
Tag1 Consulting Drupal 10 backend and frontend work

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) UK Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migration

I was contracted by LAB to manage the migration of content from the old IAB website (Drupal 7) to an under construction, Drupal 8, IAB UK website. I successfully set up and ran migrations for 16 Drupal 7 content types (including some with field collections), to some fairly complex, paragraph based, new Drupal 8 content types. This included document and image migration, as well as taxonomy migration. Some custom migration plugins had to be created to convert data from the old site into the correct format that the new site required. A detailed migration mapping research phase provided the basis from which the migration YAML files were constructed.
Demos (Hemsley Fraser France)

At the beginning of November 2017, I was contracted by LAB to work on the Hemsley Fraser France website ( The work was primarily focused on the discovery and display of the catalogue of courses offered. This involved setting up of the ajax enabled course search, and using the Search API to provide more advanced course search capability, as well as integrating with views.
The display of courses by category was implemented using a multi-level, custom javascript menu.
The course category explorer from the UK site was modified to work with the French site course taxonomy system.
Local development was done in a Docker environment.
Music In Africa

The Music In Africa site is an extensive social media website for African music industry players (artists and other music industry professionals). Charles was contracted to assist with the development of the site, in particular the music player and the video components of the site, as well as the setup of the music page itself. In addition, Charles provides ongoing support and new feature development. The latest feature added was the conference section.

Product website for ceramics business. Allows the client to add new products, including product description, dimensions and image. Incorporates product listing pages by product category, portfolio of past clients as well as a blog. All product and portfolio images are automatically resized for the client upon upload, and all large popup images are automatically generated when required. Initially built using Drupal 6, but recently upgraded to Drupal 8.