
Product website for ceramics business. Allows the client to add new products, including product description, dimensions and image. Incorporates product listing pages by product category, portfolio of past clients as well as a blog. All product and portfolio images are automatically resized for the client upon upload, and all large popup images are automatically generated when required. Built using Drupal 6.


The NGO Pulse portal was built using Drupal and makes extensive use of Organic Groups and Panels. Content from an existing Joomla website was converted to Drupal using custom PHP scripts which imported the data into the Drupal database. An image gallery carousel allows users to scroll through images associated with articles/groups. Users can register on the site to post comments, participate in discussions and create blogs.

Ikamva Youth

Ikamva is a South African non-profit organization focused on the empowerment of youth through education, e-literacy training and career guidance.
The Ikamva Youth & Ikamvanite Zone sites are both Drupal 6 sites run from a single multisite install on a Dreamhost VPS.
A notable feature of the Youth website is that it implements a home page slideshow which allows the client to add still images as well as videos to the slideshow.

Cape Town Green Map

The Cape Town Green Map is a Drupal 6 website, incorporating Google maps, and dynamic home page photo slideshow. The client has the ability to add news items, blog posts, photos, events, tips, links and more. The home page is automatically populated with the latest news and events, while a random header image is displayed each time the page is loaded.

Gauteng City-Region Observatory

The academic focused GCRO website allows the client to communicate their work to stakeholders and the public in general. The site was initially developed using Drupal 6, but upgraded to Drupal 7 in 2013. The Zen 7.x-5.4 theme was used as a basis for the Drupal 7 theme creation, and SASS and Compass (plus Zen Grids) were used too. A Responsive theme design is being planned for 2014.

Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA)

The ERSA website was migrated from Joomla to Drupal 7. The Drupal version of the site enables the client to upload new research publications, news and events. Currently working on revamping the not so pretty gallery of awards pages inherited from the old Joomla site. The client can also easily create a MailChimp newsletter from the latest publications and send this to their subscribers from within MailChimp. Ongoing monthly maintenance, new features and support provided. Google Analytics reports and recommendations also provided twice yearly.

Forced Migration Studies Programme (FMSP)

The Forced Migration Studies Programme (FMSP)is an internationally engaged; Africa-oriented; and Africa-based centre of excellence for research and teaching that helps shape global discourse on migration aid and social transformation. The site was created using Drupal 6, based on the Acquia Drupal distribution. This is an information rich website which serves to showcase the areas the FMSP is involved in, their research, news, events, and the courses they offer.

Montagu Property Group Resales Website

Property website to showcase properties for sale. Client has the ability to completely manage the properties that get displayed on the site - property images are automatically resized, and the client can modify all property information themselves. Properties can be sorted by price, as well as by the number of bedrooms. The client also has the ability to choose a single property to be the current week's featured property. Someone interested in a property can fill in a form on the website that gets emailed to the client with the prospective buyers details.

Jackal Creek Rewards programme

Drupal website for Montagu Properties enabling users to register and recommend potential property buyers to the company. Workflow system enables the processing of these referrals and the automated assigning of rewards based on the number of successful referrals. Client can track all stages of a referral, and can download composite referral data in excel format.