Content Managment Systems


Submitted by charles on

These are the notes from my Kaya FM interview on the business of being online:

1) What are some of the main things small businesses need to consider when looking at setting up a website?

I really think the most important aspect of setting up a web site, is planning. Think how a house is built – you don’t jump straight in and start building – No. You first think about the ideal house that you want, and then develop the plans for that house, based on your specific needs and your financial situation. It’s exactly the same with building a website.

Drupal path not available to anonymous users in view block

Submitted by charles on
I created a view in drupal with some argument handling code. This code loaded the node so as to get the value of the path alias. I then used this path alias as a taxonomy argument for the view: if ($type == 'block' && arg(0)=='node') { $node = node_load(arg(1)); $path = $node->path; $args = array(); $args[0] = ''; if (!empty($path)) { $args[0] = $path; } return $args; }

Drupal node insert error related to the sequences table

Submitted by charles on

I recently added a lot of data to a drupal site by running some scripts that I'd created in php. This was to save me the time of manually capturing the content. After successfully adding the content, when I tried to add a new content item, I got the following error: Warning: Duplicate entry '503-503' for key 1 query: INSERT INTO node (nid, vid, title, type, uid, status, created, changed, comment, promote, moderate, sticky) VALUES (503, 503, 'World Bank ', 'content_organisation', 1, 1, 1171017191, 1171017191, 2, 1, 0, 0) in It turns out that Drupal uses the sequences table to keep track of what the highest id in certain tables is. I had forgotten to update this table with the id of the most recent node that I'd added.