Disable tinymce for fields in drupal module: webform

Submitted by charles on
I normally disable tinymce for certain textareas by overriding the tinymce function theme_tinymce_theme. This allows me to target textareas by their name attribute. For example, to disable the editor for all cck fields that I have named 'description', and all the devel modules 'php code' block textareas, one would put the following in that function: function phptemplate_tinymce_theme($init, $textarea_name, $theme_name, $is_running) { switch ($textarea_name) { // Disable tinymce for these textareas - using the field's name attribute

Drupal CCK email field errors: "doesn't have a default value query"

Submitted by charles on

Ran into this error a couple of times before when adding content to a CCK email field in MySQL 5.0.27: user warning: Field 'field_email_email' doesn't have a default value query: It seems the email field is initially set up to not allow null values. To fix this check out this patch or just update the field in phpMyAdmin: ALTER TABLE `table_name` CHANGE `field_email_email` `field_email_email` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL