
Cache-Control: max-age header missing from static files in Drupal

Submitted by charles on

One of the sites I maintain recently had a server upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04.4, which included a new version of varnish (version 3.05) which required an update to the Varnish configuration. After setting up a new default.vcl file I was monitoring the headers sent and received to make sure that what was supposed to be cached was in fact being cached by Varnish. While testing I discovered that I was not getting any Cache-Control headers from static files like images.

Identifying and fixing mod_evasive "client denied by server configuration" errors

Submitted by charles on

I recently migrated a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7 using the migrate and migrate_d2d modules. While testing the new site on my client’s server, every now and again ajax requests were failing, and page resources like images were not loading. The apache error log showed a number of “client denied by server configuration” errors. 

Apache mod_evasive client denied by server configuration errors

Quick Drupal setup using Acquia's DAMP stack

Submitted by charles on

Acquia have released an all in one Drupal install which includes Acquia Drupal, Apache, MySQL, PHP, PhpMyAdmin, and an Acquia Drupal Control Panel, to allow users to easily test and play around with Drupal, without having to get into the technical details of installing separate instances of Apache, MySQL, PHP etc.

Check it out here: http://acquia.com/downloads